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Women engineers deserved special feature space in the Lobo years ago. Today, no. Here one of the full fledged girl engineers, Jeanne Harris, checks readings with Tom Strome and Tom Yates in a mechanical engineering refrigeration test.

Library of Congress photo, approximately 1911? Photograph shows men looking at material posted in the window of the National Anti-Suffrage Association headquarters; sign in window reads "Headquarters National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage".

"Sloppy Sue" thought all her new clothes, perfume, and jewelry would snag all the college Joes from the upperclasswomen. But she forgot how to have "eye appeal" which also included neatness. So there Sue sat at home nights without a date in a…

Painting of various seabirds off the coast of Southern California, painted by Sophie Webb, published by Studies in Avian Biology (2007) vol. 33

Three birds drawn by John Schmitt and published inStudies in Avian Biology(1990), vol. 13.
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