Josephine S. Parsons

Josephine S. Parsons Josephine S. Parsons

Josephine S. Parsons served the University of New Mexico in many capacities over many years.  As early as 1893 she is listed as an instructor of mathematics and principal of the commercial department.  Her service continued through earning a BA in 1904 (the first female to officially be granted a BA from UNM) at least until 1920, with a title of financial secretary.  Her biography from the 1898 edition of UNM's yearbook, The Mirage:

Miss Parsons graduated from the Louisville (Kentucky) High School, carrying off first honors. Miss Parsons, in addition to having a complete knowledge of the theoretical side of book-keeping, stenography, typewriting and commercial arithmetic, has had what is far more valuable in these lines of study, an exceptionally thorough practical experience, having been connected for many years with the large wholesale firm of Gross, Blackwell & Co. as book-keeper, stenographer and accountant. Miss Parsons took charge of the commercial department in the fall of '93, and the many graduates of this department holding positions as book-keepers and stenographers form the best testimonials as to the practical efficiency of this department. Miss Parsons has contributed a number of articles at various times to different magazines and papers.


The Mirage, 1898

Written by Amy Winter

Biographies of New Mexico Women
Josephine S. Parsons